April 19th Meeting – Cowbridge Physic Garden

Cowbridge Physic Garden Logo

This month we welcomed Sue Duffield, a volunteer at the Physic Garden, to tell us about the reclaiming of this garden and the herbs’ medicinal uses. The evening was very informative and complimented the RHS regional lecture given by Jekka McVicar in the Rhondda earlier in the week.

The garden has only been developed since 2005 and is well worth a visit. You might like to go along on Saturday 27th April when they are holding a plant sale from 10 am to 3 pm. As well as their own plants, there will be about eight other plant stalls.

Since the initial grants which enabled the garden to be established from a wilderness, the garden is entirely self-funded relying on volunteers and donations from visitors, so please go along and support one of Cowbridge’s best kept secrets.

Full details can be found by visiting their website.

Lesley Sherwood